Beranda Home Minahasa Utara Rescheduling, UCLG-ASPAC Digelar 5-7 Juni 2024

Rescheduling, UCLG-ASPAC Digelar 5-7 Juni 2024

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Penulis: Ficky, Minut- Sehubungan dengan aktifitas erupsi gunung Ruang masih berlangsung sampai saat ini, dimana mempengaruhi aktivitas bandara Sam Ratulangi yang sampai saat ini juga masih ditutup, maka disampaikan bahwa kegiatan UCLG dan LTF yang seharusnya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 sampai 25 April 2024 ditunda pelaksanaannya pada tanggal 5 sampai 7 Juni 2024.

Hal ini dikatakan Bupati Minahasa Utara, Joune Ganda melalui Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Serta Persandian (Diskominfosan) Minut Robby Parengkuan menginformasikan penundaan kegiatan United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC).

“Berdasarkan pengumuman sesi pertama Rapart Biro Eksekutif UCLG ASPAC Tahun 2024, awalnya akan digelar tentatif mei 2024 kemudian ada perubahan dari Presiden UCLG-ASPAC bahwa kegiatan akan digelar 5 sampai 7 Juni 2024, mengingat adanya dampak erupsi Gunung Ruang yang berdampak di kabupaten Minahasa utara,” pungkasnya.

Berikut Isi surat penyampaian rescheduling UCLG-ASPAC:

Jakarta, 19 April 2024
To the UCLG ASPAC Presidency,
To the UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Members,
To All Participants,
Subject: Rescheduling the First Session of the 2024 UCLG ASPAC Executive
Bureau and Likupang Tourism Festival 2024
Dear UCLG ASPAC Presidency, Executive Bureau Members, and All Participants,
On behalf of the Secretariat of UCLG ASPAC, I would like to express our deep
appreciation for your support and confirmation of your valuable attendance to the
upcoming First Session of the 2024 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, scheduled to be
held from 23rd to 25th April 2024 in North Minahasa, Indonesia.
As you might be aware, Mount Ruang, located in the Sitaro Regency approximately
109km away from Airmadidi, the capital of the North Minahasa Regency, erupted on
17th April 2024. Due to the closure of Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado
City and the current alert status of Mount Ruang, as issued by the Indonesian
authorities, we regret to inform you that the First Session of the 2024 UCLG ASPAC
Executive Bureau and Likupang Tourism Festival are rescheduled to be held from 5th to
7th June 2024. The meeting venue will remain the same, which is Paradise Golf and
Resort Hotel.
This rescheduling is a difficult decision made by the host, North Minahasa Regency,
and the Secretariat of UCLG ASPAC, considering the extensive preparations that have
been made by our meeting host, North Minahasa Regency, and the travel
arrangements that have been well prepared by all participants who have confirmed
their flight itineraries to the Secretariat.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause and we look forward to meeting you in
North Minahasa in June.
If you have any specific information needs or inquiries, the ASPAC Secretariat is at your
disposal. You can contact us at
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi
Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC


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